Patterns of Power en español, Grades 1-5
Autor: Jeff Anderson , Whitney La Rocca , Caroline Sweet
Número de Páginas: 288Author Jeff Anderson and bilingual teacher and coach Caroline Sweet lead a vibrant approach to grammar instruction in Patterns of Power en español, Grades 1-5: Inviting Bilingual Writers into the Conventions of Spanish. Here, young, emergent writers are invited to notice the conventions of the Spanish language and build off them in this inquiry-based approach to instructional grammar. The book comes with standards-aligned lessons that can be incorporated in just 10 minutes a day. Patterns of Power’s responsive, invitational approach puts students in an involved role and has them explore and discuss the purpose and meaning of what they read. Students study short, authentic texts and are asked to share their findings out loud, engaging in rich conversations to make meaning. Inside you’ll find: Ready-to-use lesson plan sets that include excerpts from authentic and diverse Spanish mentor texts curated for grades 1-5 and can be adapted over 5 grade levels Real-life classroom examples, tips, and Power Notes gleaned from the authors’ experiences that can be applied to any level of writer Resources, including a Patterns of Power Planning Guide adapted for Spanish, to use in...