La atención prenatal
Número de Páginas: 104
Abstract: Pregnancy, childbirth, and care of the newborn infant are the subjects of this brief, yet comprehensive prena tal care guide developed by the Public Health Service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Aspects of pr egnancy that are discussed include: 1) health professionals involved in providing proper prenatal care and suggested sch eduling of prenatal visits, 2) physical and emotional changes, 3) physical development of the baby month-by-month, 4) li festyle factors (i.e. exercise, breathing techniques, work, rest, travel, sexual relations, use of alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs), 5) nutritional requirements, 6) common discomforts (i.e. nausea, vomiting, heartburn, constipation, hemorrho ids, backache, and 7) more serious problems (i.e. miscarriage, anemia, toxemia, rubella, Rh factor). Components of the b irth process innclude preparing for the birth, labor and delivery, and hospital stay and recovery. Topics include signs and stages of labor, medication and anesthesia, episiotomy, Cesarean section, and breech births, as well as recovery, le ngth of hospital stay, breast care, depression, fatigue, getting back into shape, and post-partum checkups. The...